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The China-Cambodia Free Trade Agreement came into effect in early January this year, and import and export companies have better benefited domestic consumers

  The Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia, as the 18th free trade agreement signed by Chinese foreign investors, came into effect on January 1, 2022。中国Import and export corporationCertificates of origin can be issued, and China Import and Export companies can enjoy more preferential tariff treatment;Various products imported by Cambodia will also reduce Chinese import tariffs and better benefit domestic consumers。

  The company mainly exports construction parts to Cambodia, and applied for more than 100 certificates of origin in Cambodia in 2021。After the implementation of the China-Cambodia free Trade Agreement, the timeliness of customs clearance and export costs will be reduced, and more and more preferential policies will be enjoyed。

The China-Cambodia Free Trade Agreement came into effect in early January this year, and import and export companies have better benefited domestic consumers

  Cambodia is a member of ASEAN and a member of RCEP。China and Cambodia enjoy a time-honored traditional friendship。With the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Cambodia in 1958, the trade between the two countries has been developing continuously, and the exchanges and cooperation between the two countries have been deepening。For many years, China has been Cambodia's largest trading partner and largest source of foreign direct investment。

  Customs Reminder: At present, the implementation of the bilateral Free Trade Agreement, the China-Asean Free Trade Agreement and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement do not conflict and promote each other。Enterprises can understand the rules and tariff reduction arrangements of the free trade agreement in advance and fully enjoy the tariff reduction brought about by the entry into force of the free trade agreement in time。In addition, according to the actual needs of their own production and operation, actively apply for the corresponding preferential certificate of origin, and enjoy the policy dividend in time。

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