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There is no discussion of heavy penalties for importing foreign garbage

       After deliberation and adoption at the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress, the newly revised Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste (referred to as the "New Solid Waste Law") came into effect on September 1。

  "The prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste is an important part of the battle against pollution。Zhou Hongchun, a researcher at the Development Research Center of The State Council, said,此次全面修订《立博博彩》是贯彻落实习近平生态文明思想和党中央关于生态文明建造决策安置的严峻任务,It is an urgent need to advance the battle against pollution in accordance with the law,It is also an important action to improve the strictest and tightest legal guidelines for ecological and environmental protection and strengthen the rule of law for public health。

  Guangdong Branch of the General Administration of Customs regulations work office as the person introduced,The new "Solid Waste Law" has made a severe adjustment to the treatment criteria of imported solid waste in China,Stricter restrictions on solid waste imports,The disposal of solid waste illegally imported into domestic illegal activities has been intensified,The guidelines for the return and disposal of solid waste illegally imported into China have been adjusted and improved,More strongly secure government parts of the law

  Zhou Hongchun introduced that in terms of solid waste import treatment, the new "solid waste Law" is no longer divided into three categories of solid waste to stop imports, restricted imports and non-restricted imports, and the country will gradually complete the zero import of solid waste, stop overseas solid waste dumping, stacking and disposal, and stop the transit transfer of hazardous waste through our country。

  The new "Solid Waste Law" has greatly improved the disposal ups and downs of the illegal importation of solid waste into the territory and the illegal transfer of hazardous waste through China,The former has been adjusted from the original fine of 100,000 yuan to 1 million yuan to a fine of 500,000 yuan to 5 million yuan,The latter is adjusted from the original fine of 50,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan to a fine of 500,000 yuan to 5 million yuan,Fines have increased by up to ten times,In serious cases, criminal responsibility will be investigated according to law,Offenders will bear heavier legal responsibilities and higher costs of breaking the law。

  In order to deal with the problem of the difficult return and disposal of solid waste illegally imported into the territory, the new Solid Waste Law no longer takes "the importer is unknown" as a prerequisite for the carrier to assume the duties of return and disposal, and rules that the carrier bears joint responsibilities for the return and disposal of solid waste and the importer。

  "That is to say, if the importer does not implement the requirements for the return and disposal of solid waste, the customs can order the carrier to bear the relevant responsibilities.。In addition, as for solid waste that cannot be returned, the law also stipulates that local people's governments at or above the county level can arrange for disposal。"Said the man in charge。

  Customs and other related functions in the implementation of solid waste treatment process,In case of refusal or obstruction of supervision and inspection by delaying, blocking and stopping legal personnel, etc,Maybe he was lying under scrutiny,The new "Solid Waste Law" rules shall be ordered to correct by the competent part of the ecological environment or other parts responsible for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste supervision and treatment,A fine of 50,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan;Direct supervisors and other personnel with direct responsibilities,Impose a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan,Customs and other parts of the law will be better protected by law。According to the accounting of the Guangdong branch of the General Administration of Customs, in the first seven months of this year, the Guangdong Customs anti-smuggling part of the smuggling of solid waste, a total of 100 criminal cases, inspection and verification of dirty oil water, waste plastics, waste hardware and other solid waste about 980,000 tons。

  The implementation of the new "Solid Waste Law" will have a greater impact on the majority of import and export enterprises, the person reminded that relevant import and export enterprises to understand the rules of the law and relevant national policies, timely adjustment of import and export affairs, to comply with the law and self-discipline。At the same time, enterprises should carefully verify the status of imported goods to avoid mistakenly importing foreign "foreign garbage" into China, thereby suffering from loss。

Source: General Administration of Customs

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