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Beijing Customs launched a "two-step declaration" fault tolerance mechanism

        Following the first fault-tolerant mechanism such as "advance declaration" in the national customs, Beijing Customs recently launched the "two-step declaration" fault-tolerant mechanism, aimed at further optimizing the business environment, promoting trade facilitation, and helping the General Administration of Customs to comprehensively promote the "two-step declaration" reform pilot of imported goods。
        According to reports, within 14 days from the date of entry of the means of transport, enterprises find that the contents of the "two-step declaration" customs declaration are wrong, and they need to correct the customs declaration data, which can be applied to the Customs for review through the "Customs cooperation platform"。If the content of the application is in line with the customs declaration error, the customs will correct it after review, and it is not necessary for the enterprise to submit the paper application and relevant explanatory materials on the scene。

        The official in charge of Beijing Customs said that for the relevant materials submitted by the "two-step declaration", the customs review time was reduced from the original 15 working days to less than 3 working days。The relevant records caused by the "two-step declaration" of the enterprise, which are identified by the Customs as actively disclosing and complying with the provisions, are not regarded as the credit status records of the enterprise identified by the Customs。

Source: General Administration of Customs
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