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What are the main factors that promote the rapid development of China-Europe freight trains?

  As inland cities continue to explore new routes, China-Europe trains will cover a wider range of domestic and international areas。What are the main factors driving the rapid development of China-Europe freight trains?

  随着China-europe freight trainThe rapid development of Eastern Europe's industrial complementarity is the objective basis。The China-Europe train reflects China's closely connected and deeply dependent economic relationship with the world。Starting from Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe, the China-Europe train is the inner driving force of economic development。For many years, the EU was China's largest trading partner, and in the 2020s ASEAN became the largest trading partner。After the RCEP(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) came into effect, more goods have achieved zero tariffs, creating new space for the development of cross-border goods trade logistics, and cross-border e-commerce overseas warehousing business has developed rapidly。The China-Europe train has unlocked the potential of overland logistics and trade between Asia and Europe, creating new space for the development of Asia and Europe。

What are the main factors that promote the rapid development of China-Europe freight trains?

  The China-Europe freight train has really promoted connectivity。The China-Europe train is connected on the basis of the existing rail links between the countries。Soft connectivity among countries is very important, reflecting the coordination of railways, customs and ports, reflecting the Belt and Road policy communication, infrastructure connectivity, unimpeded trade, people-to-people exchanges and other development requirements, and is a vivid embodiment of the concept of joint contribution and shared benefits。At the same time, the original land logistics transport channel of the China-Europe Express has become a land bridge across the Eurasian continent。The advantages of China-Europe trains continue to emerge, especially for goods with relatively high value and high time requirements。

       At present, goods from Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and other countries have also begun to take China-Europe freight trains, forming transnational and transnational land routes from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean, and becoming the main bridge and large-scale logistics network connecting the Eurasian continent。In addition, the China-Europe freight train will promote the formation of a global land transport system。At present, China-Europe freight trains are promoting the single-system + supply chain platform, blockchain, and internal and external trade linkage models, and building a new international multimodal transport standard system。

  One of the reasons for the great achievements of China-Europe freight trains is the favorable external environment。The overall sound diplomatic relations and close economic ties between China and the EU have boosted connectivity and mutually beneficial cooperation。Second, all countries attach great importance to it。The development of China-Europe trains reflects the advantages of the system of national chess。From the central government to various departments, relevant central enterprises and local governments, many policies and measures have been introduced to continuously strengthen standardized management。At the same time, relevant departments and the National Railway Group have established an international coordination and cooperation mechanism with their counterparts along the train lines to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of the train。Since the Belt and Road Initiative was put forward, China and the countries along the railway routes have taken the development of China-Europe railway services as an important part of their joint construction and further promoted their cooperation。

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