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The United States air import bolt clearance goods are missing resulting in the inconsistency of single goods

       In October 2020, a customer entrusted our company to import a batch of bolts from the United StatesGoods import customs clearanceWhen found that the goods are lost, this will lead to the inconsistency of the goods and can not be cleared. Next, let's see how our company handles such incidents。

The United States air import bolt clearance goods are missing resulting in the inconsistency of single goods

First, this ticket business focus has three places:

       1. Goods originating in the United States are subject to tariffs。Therefore, before the goods arrive at the port, our staff informs the customer in advance。The customer's mode of transaction with foreign countries isDDPThe foreign country is responsible for tax payment, but because the customer is not clear about this provision when negotiating cooperation with foreign countries, the additional part of the fee is charged less。As a result, customers want to avoid the levy in other ways。The staff of our company actively cooperated, but in the end, because the customer could not provide the corresponding documents and the goods had arrived at the port, he could not apply for the deduction in advance, and the customer made up this part of the tax by himself。

       2, the bolt this product, involving anti-dumping, need to impose anti-dumping duties。Our staff also informed the customer of this tax before the arrival of the goods at the port, but because the customer imported such products for the first time, it was not clear that there were additional anti-dumping duties, and did not collect this fee with foreign shippers。Therefore, the staff of our company cooperated with the customer, estimated the amount of tax before the customs clearance of the goods, helped the customer to provide the corresponding documents, and finally the customer negotiated with foreign countries to pay this part of tax。

       3. In the process of customs clearance of the goods, the warehouse staff found that the package was missing one piece。According to the customer's cargo list, there are 11 pieces of goods in total, but it was found that 10 pieces were actually found in customs clearance, and the single goods did not match。With the active cooperation of our staff, we help customers withCustoms brokerAfter consultation, the final decision was made to submit instructions to the customs, change the documents accompanying the shipment, and the 10 goods were released smoothly and sent to the customer。Later, it was determined that the missing piece had been lost. Our company suggested the customer to ask for compensation from abroad, and the problem was finally solved to the customer's satisfaction and reasonable。

Two, friendly tips:

       When the goods were lost, the customer was calm and actively cooperated with the operation of our company and the customs broker, which greatly improved the speed of customs clearance and gained valuable time for the smooth release of the goods。Therefore, when encountering problems in customs clearance, customers need to actively cooperate with customs requirements and provide corresponding documents, so that the problem can be solved more quickly and properly。

       Customers need to note that when importing goods, pay special attention to the origin of the product and related tax policies, if you need to apply for relief and other relevant measures, you need to prepare the relevant documents in advance, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble and costs in the customs clearance process。

Iii. Remarks:

       Therefore, before import and export, you can consult our company to understand the detailed process, saving a lot of economic losses and time delays caused by unfamiliar situations, and also improving the company's customs clearance speed。


Focus on import customs clearance agent, agent import documents, ATA document declaration, temporary import and export agency services, export agent, export declaration, international freight forwarders;Please contact us at 400-888-0577 。 | The lack of import bolt clearance goods leads to the inconsistency of the single goods | Import bolt clearance
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