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International ocean imports | Frequently asked questions about lost container rates for ocean containers

  计算Ocean containerLost container freight。

  When the total weight or volume of the goods loaded in the container does not reach the specified minimum weight tons or body tons, resulting in the container loading capacity is not fully utilized, the shipper will pay the freight。The loss of container freight is actually the freight charged for the underbilled ton, that is, the difference between the specified minimum billed ton and the actual amount of cargo loaded。

  When calculating the loss freight, usually the highest rate of the goods in the box is the calculation standard。In addition, when the minimum utilization rate of the container is expressed in the form of the minimum packaging freight, if the freight amount multiplied by the basic rate based on the tonnage of the goods in the box, plus the relevant surcharge, is still lower than the minimum packaging freight, the latter is charged。

  1.Calculate the maximum utilization of containers

  What is the maximum utilization rate?

  The maximum utilization rate of containers means that if the volume of cargo in the container exceeds the capacity specified in the container (the capacity in the container), then the freight is calculated in accordance with the specified capacity in the container, that is, the excess part is exempt from freight。

  2 Freight standard for maximum utilization rate

  If there is only one rate class for the goods inside,Charge according to the rate;If the box contains different grades of goods,Usually the following two methods are used to collect freight: one method is to calculate the freight of all goods in the box according to the rate applicable to the highest rate class goods in the box;Another method is to calculate according to the rate from high rate to low rate,Until the total tonnage of the goods is equal to the specified container volume。It should be noted that if the cargo owner fails to declare the contents of the container in detail as required by the carrier, the freight will be charged according to the contents of the container, and the rate will be calculated according to the maximum rate of the contents of the container。If only part of the container has no declared quantity, the freight of the undeclared part is calculated according to the difference between the volume of the container and the freight ton of the declared goods。

International ocean imports | Frequently asked questions about lost container rates for ocean containers

  3.Is the most utilized target

  We mainly encourage shippers to ship goods in containers to maximize the internal capacity of containers。Therefore, in the calculation of container freight, shipping companies generally set the maximum utilization rate for different specifications, types of containers and container types。

  For example, the maximum utilization rate of a 20ft container is 31 cubic meters, while a 40ft container can use a maximum of 67 cubic meters。The reason why the maximum utilization rate is calculated in body tons rather than weight tons is that each container has its maximum load and is not allowed to be overweight during transportation。Therefore, under normal circumstances, there should not be overweight containers, and overweight should not be encouraged。

  4.Calculate LCL freight

  W/M is the main method of LCL freight calculation。General cargo freight tons by weight tons (W) and size tons (M)。According to the gross weight of the goods, 1000 kg is 1 ton;1 cubic meter is 1 dimension ton;The charging standard W/M refers to the charging according to the weight ton and size ton of the product。Usually, the preset unit freight rate is fixed in theory, and the solution only considers the single variable of freight ton。

  However, in the actual business, the packaging rates given by different freight forwarders are often different according to the weight tons and size tons。In this case, double variables need to be taken into account to make comparisons based on different rates and freight tons。

  Note: For example, if the weight of a product is 5 tons, the volume is 8 cubic meters, and the W/M rate is USD100/60, then the final total freight can not only look at the comparison of W and M, but the comparison of 5×100 and 8×60, and finally charge $500 according to the standard of total weight tons。

  When calculating FCL compartment rates, comparisons should be made based on volume size (40-20- LCL)。At the same time, we must pay attention to two aspects: First, when the target LCL, it should be noted that W/M is to compare the freight ton and the rate product, and the price is priced according to the higher LCL freight;Second, when calculating the total freight, whether it is FCL or FCL+LCL, it must be calculated according to the lowest total freight price。

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