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Pet food import declaration process


        With the improvement of quality of life,Pet ownership is also on the rise,As people have more money in their pockets, the demand for pets has increased,The convenience of pet rations,营养,Hygiene is recognized by the people,At present, the domestic pet food market still has a very large import market and development space,Cat food, canned cat food, dog food, dog food, pet dry food and more are appearing in people's growing shopping lists。

Pet food import declaration process
First, what are the conditions required for import:
        1, foreign production enterprises must be included in the General Administration of Customs "imported pet food production and processing enterprises Registration List";
        2, imported pet food according to the variety (formula) to obtain the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs "Import registration Certificate";
        3. Declaration before importEntry permit for animal and plant quarantine》;
        4, after receiving the "Entry goods Inspection and quarantine Certificate" can be legally sold and used in China;
2. Import Declaration process:
        1. Pre-filing and documentation;
        2, prepare customs declaration documents after the goods arrive at the port, customs declaration and inspection;
        3. Submit samples for testing;
        4. Sign and release;
        5, after the issuance of health certificate can be marketed;


Focus on import customs clearance agent, agent import documents, ATA document declaration, temporary import and export agency services, export agent, export declaration, international freight forwarders;Please contact us at 400-888-0577 。 | Pet food import declaration |  
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